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  • Writer's pictureIris Ming

5 Ways To Beat Writers Block

Writer's block is one of the biggest challenges a writer faces. It seems that no matter how many ideas you have, you just can't get the words on the page. It could be caused by a focus issue, a bad night's sleep, or just an inability to get things done. Here are a few ways to push past writer's block.

  1. Put yourself in a new environment. If you're the kind of person that sits down every day at the same desk at the same time, you might want to switch things up. A change in when and how you write can break the boredom you feel when you write, which stimulates your brain. This might be the little push you need to make progress in your work.

  2. Try a new font. Most of us pick a font and stick with it. Sometimes, we can get hung up on how our writing looks when we should be concerned about putting our ideas down on paper. A wild font could be ridiculous enough to take the pressure of perfection off of you so you can concentrate on progress. This method is better for first drafts, when getting your ideas down is crucial.

  3. Outline your writing. Sometimes, we're unable to write because we don't know what to write. Some say there are two kinds of authors, those who are organized and know exactly what to write next, and those who fly by the seat of their pants and let the story steer itself. If you're the latter, give outlining a try. It gives your work more structure, and a little bit of support never hurts.

  4. Remove distractions. As someone with a short attention span and a big appetite for entertainment, I can confirm that it's easy to get off track. Some of us have enough self control to simply abstain from distractions, but for those of us who don't, a good way to force focus is stepping away from electronics entirely. Time to get traditional and use a pen and paper. If that isn't the best option for you, try putting your device on airplane mode and go from there.

  5. Take a break. Writers can burn themselves out without even realizing. Maybe you're not writing because you've run out of energy to keep going. Taking a break allows time to recover, and maybe even come up with new ideas. Don't worry, your work will be waiting for you when you return.

Writer's block may seem like a permanent state of being, but it's not. A few of these methods might work for you. If not, remind yourself that everyone deals with this in at least some of the time. Good luck on your writing!

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